Friday, June 20, 2008


Luke is now 9 1/2 months, 22lbs. and 30" long. He is super happy even thru his first ear infection, however he has been waking up more at night. It was at his 9 month visit that the Dr. asked if he has been fussy, I said no, but I guess he did get up the other night for a few mins, he than told me his ear was really red, I was amazed he had not been a lot more miserable. Luke is cruisin' along anything he can get a hold of, and he falls a lot. He also is starting to learn 'No', but just barely. When I say No he looks at me and smiles and says "Nah", and sometimes he actually stops what he is doing!! He LOVES to get into trouble, as you can see some of his favorite activities are eating raw potatoes, pulling the TP off while I get ready,he dumped out half a bag of cheerios and then sat down and ate them, and he loves to chew on the remote!!!! He sure does love mischief, I find myself getting out the camera a lot more than getting mad-he's just too adorable!!! Yep he is spoiled--with love!!!!!


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

This is the fun age where they are too cute and they still get away with making messes! I love the pics!!

Anonymous said...

I love all your pictures, it's so nice to keep posted on what y'all are doing. I can relate to having a little one who loves trouble. Adelynn is bored unless she is unloading a cubard pulling books off the bookshelf, getting into the toilet paper or diapers or Callie's dog food-yuck. Luck is sooooo cute. He is so happy and you just can't help but love him. We loved seeing you guys in Maine. I was so glad it all worked out and we could all be there. When is Luke's birthday? We love you guys.