Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Event

We had all been waiting for this night for months!! It was worth the wait!
I never actually counted, but what a big group of crazy women and girls who
talked, laughed and dreamed of Edward our favorite vampire! We stayed for an
hour talking after the movie...we had all been 'bitten' by Edward!!
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First Snow

It snowed friday morning, the earliest snow anyone around here has seen. This dusting of snow is enough to give the kids a 2 hour delay. They got to sleep in, a rare treat. Caitlynn got up for seminary at 5 and never went back to sleep. She baked the cinnamon rolls that I had made for seminary and played in the snow with her friend Rachel. Crazy girl. Later that morning I took Luke outside, he loves it outside. He fell in the snow and it didn't bother him at all. He threw quite a fit when I took him inside, it was so cold only like 38...thats serious winter here. EvE

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Saturday, November 8, 2008


Chase is the scary skeleton man!! He wanted to go around the neighborhood with some friends this year....we let him do that to houses in the cul de sac and on our road, then Ron took him out on the main road.
Luke the Dragon was a neighborhood favorite for sure!! He went to a few select houses with his Dadda. He got the hang of it pretty quick. He would reach in the bowl and take a candy, usually the skittles.
Tyler 'dressed' up as Dr House!! He even had a pill bottle full of M&M's he kept taking...he loves that show!!! The 3 teenagers, Tyler, Ronnie and Caitlynn didn't trick or treat. They went to a HUGE party at our friends the Dyrengs. They had a haunted trial and a DJ and scary movie playing on a giant screen outside. We crashed the party later that night...It was so much fun!!
We handed out over 125 pieces of candy!!!
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Caitlynn & her BFF Rachel were Beauty Queens this year for the big party!! No different from everyday of the year...they are beautiful!!
Luke got used to his costume the week before Halloween, so he loved walking around in it!!
My husband LOVES halloween. He dressed up this year as Dracula...not his usually tall scary guy on stilts!!

I dressed up in my new Halloween tee...not very exciting I know!! But I sure do love handing out candy to over 125 kids...its the perfect neighborhood for Halloween! Later I danced my heart out at the Dyrengs party. It was a GREAT Halloween!!!!
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