Friday, June 20, 2008


Luke is now 9 1/2 months, 22lbs. and 30" long. He is super happy even thru his first ear infection, however he has been waking up more at night. It was at his 9 month visit that the Dr. asked if he has been fussy, I said no, but I guess he did get up the other night for a few mins, he than told me his ear was really red, I was amazed he had not been a lot more miserable. Luke is cruisin' along anything he can get a hold of, and he falls a lot. He also is starting to learn 'No', but just barely. When I say No he looks at me and smiles and says "Nah", and sometimes he actually stops what he is doing!! He LOVES to get into trouble, as you can see some of his favorite activities are eating raw potatoes, pulling the TP off while I get ready,he dumped out half a bag of cheerios and then sat down and ate them, and he loves to chew on the remote!!!! He sure does love mischief, I find myself getting out the camera a lot more than getting mad-he's just too adorable!!! Yep he is spoiled--with love!!!!!

Wonder Pets Wonder Pets are on their way.....

One of Luke's favorite things is Music. He plays the drums with Ronnie, guitar with chase and dances to anything. He loves it when his Dadda sings to him, he will dance and smile. I can't really say he watches wonder pets, but he dances and watches the opening song every time. He really doesn't care about the rest of the show. He loves that song, he will stop whatever he is doing and crawl fast to the tv to watch and dance, I wish you could all see it, he is so cute!!

Happy Father's Day!!!

We had so much fun grilling for Dad on Father's Day. Tyler & Caitlynn worked hard on some very interesting marinades for the shrimp. Some included cinnamon, red pepper flakes, chipotle seasoning and dijon mustard and a lot more. I was a little scared, but they were really yummy. I need to let them cook more often. Tyler definatly takes after his Dad and just throws a bunch of crazy stuff together and it comes out GREAT!! Besides the meal, I got Ron our favorite cupcakes from Cafe Carolina, chocolates from caitylnn, a car wash mitt from Chase, Red Robin giftcard from Tyler and a pint of strawberry shortcake Ice cream made special from Ronnie, It was a great day!!!! The best part, Ron really put his feet up and did absolutely nothing, he even took a nap, Yeah for Dad!

8th Grade Dance

Caitlynn was absolutely BEAUTIFUL for her 8th Grade Dance. It was hard for Ron & I too see her looking like a woman, especially after having Rochele get married, we realize now how little time we have left with her. I was so happy when she came home and said "That was the best 1st dance ever!!!" The last picture is one of Caitlynn's BFF's(Best friends forever) Candace she is a great girl and we love that they are so close!

Chase is 10!!!

Chase had three birthday parties this year thanks to the wonderful friends in our lives. While Ron & I were in Maine the Dyrengs & McCalls gave him a family birthday party on Sunday, just like we usually do. Chase went on and on about the amazing oreo cake Jenny made, Thank you Jenny!! Then Monday after school his primary teachers gave him a fun party in their backyard with a huge blow up water slide, how great!! Once we got back home to NC, we had our family B-day, which included a trip to a great music store to get chase an amp and destorter for his electric guitar, he is getting really good, mostly on his own. He sure has a lot of natural talent. As you can see I tried to copy Jenny's oreo cake, I am pretty sure I came in a distant 2nd place!! We love you Chase and can't believe you are 10!!!!

Sleepy Lunch Time

This is the first time Luke has fallen asleep in his high chair after his favorite PB & J sandwich. He is just too cute!!

Memorial Day Fun

May 26th was a fun hot day perfect for barbeque and the pool. My family is shrinking though, Ronnie was at work and Tyler gave us a few precious moments of his time that day, which we did enjoy, but as you can see they were not in any pics. Our good friends the Dyrengs came over and shared some yummy food with us and they were in the pool all day, they are just a family of fish!!! Luke just loved his new pool & the watermelon!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mothers Day

I must be one of the luckiest moms in the world! What a great, incredible, fantastic Mother's Day I had this year. I had asked for just one thing, A WHOLE DAY OFF, and I got that and so much more!!! Saturday before Mothers Day I slept in, Ron surprised me with homemade waffles in bed, then I headed out the door all by myself with no questions asked, it was great! I went with Jenny, one of my best friends, to get a pedicure-very relaxing. Then off to lunch, reading in the sun, walking around the shops, more reading, and finally heading home at 7:30 that night!! It was just great, but than I was even more surprised Sunday after church when Ron brought in my favorite Pasta Malino from Macoroni Grill w/ bread & oil, Ronnie gave me a yummy chocolate/brownie cold stone creation, Tyler gave me a big basket full of candle,lotions and sprays from Bath & body works and wrote me a great poem, Caitylnn wrote me tons of notes saying why I am so great,Chase gave me a homemade card w/ bath salts and Luke gave me a cute card--So much more than I expected, I'm such a blessed mom!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mother/Daughter Nerd Night!

Wow, what a fun, fun night!! Caitlynn & I laughed and acted so silly all night, even the serious moms got into the fun and were such great nerds! Caitlynn got one of the BEST nerd awards...she comes by it naturally...Ha Ha Ha!!!!


Pearce's First School Carnival was a huge success and so much fun for Chase & Luke!!! Chase stood in a long line to get his hair spray painted, who knew they would use PINK!!! Who knew it would take weeks to wash out one spot on the top of his head, he sure got teased a lot for that everlasting pink spot on his head!!!

Warthog Baseball Night!!

Ron, Ronnie & Chase went to a Minor league game and had a great time. Chase got a free ticket from his school for getting a homerun on his reading goals this year. Chase is reading on a 5th grade level and is doing super this year in school, we are so proud of him!!!

Luke at 8 months!!!!

Luke is still doing his GI Joe crawl most of the time, but occasionally gets on his knees to crawl. He is on the move nonstop and keeping me running(which is very good for me). He says dadda, Mamma, Nana and shake his head no, he also loves the wonderpets and all music. He will dance and light up whenever he hears any music, he especially love Chase playing the guitar and trys to play himself. He's still a great sleeper and eater and drinks from a cup. We can't wait for his 9 month check up to see how much his grown. No matter how corny it sounds he continues to bring so much joy into our lives, we are so greatful to have him!!!!